About Us

About ZoneTech

Business critical systems require regular maintenance and updates to ensure they are running optimally. With our maintenance services, you can rest assured that your company is avoiding major outages that can harm your business.Pellentesque bibendum. Cras porttitor. Don cursus ante et vulputate feugiat mil justo faucibusn sd Integad elemen tuma volutpat vestibulum enim mi tincidunt. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit sed do eiusmod tempor incidanaut labore et dolore.dipisicing elit sed do eiusmod tempor incidanaut labore et

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About ZoneTech

Mission Statement

Background: At Zonetech, we take your privacy very seriously. This privacy statement is designed to clarify our practices regarding the use of your personal information. Please read this section carefully and certify that you grasp it.

 What data do we collect?
We get data from you in case you register on our site, or you engage with other similar websites. Likewise, if you ask for an order or create an account we may ask you to fill some feature such as; name, e-mail, mailing address, phone number, credit card or other information. 

How do we use your data?

All personal data is stored securely, we may use these data to have direct contact with clients, reply for emails or supply our products and services to you.  In addition, we might use them for marketing purposes which may include contacting you by email or telephone. We certify that we will not forward your data to any third-party without explicit convent from you.

How Long Do We Hold Your Data?

We only hold and save your personal information as long as we have your admission to hold them. Data will be kept in our services for the duration of the contract, plus 30 days.

You have the right to recall and request us to delete your personal data at any time.

Where do we store them?

Your personal data will be stored in different databases. These databases are closed systems that prevent anyone from accessing them. All systems need a dedicated password to prevent others from copying, printing, and editing your information.

How Can You Access Your Data?

You have the right to ask for a copy of any of your personal data held by us. No fee is payable. We will provide any information in response to your request free of charge.

Contacting Us

If you have any inquiry about our website or this section, please don’t hesitate to notify or contact us by email ……


Vission Statement

As one of the fastest-growing companies in the country, our vision is to keep your business healthy and productive through our oriented IT solutions provider. We aim to exceed our customer's expectations by continuing service improvements and innovation. We strongly believe that honesty and integrity helps us build a long term and trusted relation with our clients.